Kate is close to 2 1/2 now and while there are a lot of things I love about this age, including her ability to communicate what she thinks and feels, there are a lot of things I hate about this age too, including her ability to communicate what she thinks and feels, LOUDLY, while stomping her feet and throwing toys across the room. Who was it who said that trying to negotiate with a 2 year old was like trying to negotiate with a terrorist? Apparently, someone living with a 2 year old...
At the same time, I'm amazed every day with the funny and insightful things she says. Since I have been very remiss in getting these things into her baby book, I'll write down a few here:
1. Daddy: Kate's devotion to Paul borders on hero worship. While on some level, I'm a bit jealous being the current "second-best" parent, I love that they have such a close relationship. I had work off on Tuesday (gotta love those random Federal holidays) and Kate had school off too, so we spent the day together. When Paul left for work, Kate erupted into sobs and was crying, "I want my Daddy! I want my Daddy!" She calmed down about 2 minutes after he left. Then about 10 minutes later she said "I was crying. I was very,very sad. I wanted my Daddy. But now I'm fine!"
2. Politics: During this year's election cycle, Kate has been very interested in pointing out pictures of Obama and McCain in every TV ad, magazine and newspaper she sees. This week, after several days of pointing out all the magazine covers declaring Obama's victory, she turned to me with a confused look on her face and said "What happened to Me-cain?" :)
In other news, we have gotten rid of the crib and Kate now has a toddler bed. I've posted a few pictures of her in her new bed here. You will see that although we no longer have a crib, we still have a pacifier (although only at night). Some say I should take it away from her - I say that is one battle I am not prepared to fight with my little terrorist :) Hell, if it helps her get to sleep, she can have it until high school if she wants...
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