I've been really bad about posting pictures here. To be honest, I have no idea how it is already mid-October. All I know for sure is that I currently drink about 5 cups of coffee a day and we are all alive and doing reasonably well :) These first couple pictures are from Labor Day, when we had a picnic lunch up at Pinecrest Park.
Here's Lucy crawling. She started scooting at about 4 months old and full-fledged crawling at 5 1/2 months old, which is quite a bit earlier than Kate crawled. I really need to start baby-proofing. For example, I caught her yesterday about to put her wet hand into the electric socket. She's also fond of pushing the buttons on the TV and DVD player and pushing the lever down on the heat and A/C register. Plus, she's quick. I think her speeding around the room looks particularly funny because she's still so small - still in size 1 diapers!
Poor Sadie can't get a break either...
Checking to see if I'm watching her...
In early October, we went to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware with some friends. The weather was gorgeous and Kate had so much fun walking on the beach and collecting seashells.